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Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 84-2126642
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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.


The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan 501(c)3 political organization that:


  • Encourages informed and active participation in government
  • Holds public meetings to present and discuss local and state issues
  • Works to increase understanding of major public policy issues
  • Influences public policy through education and advocacy

With 100 years of experience and 850 local and state affiliates, the League is one of America’s most trusted community-based organizations. We envision a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge and the confidence to participate.


Membership in the League is open to all men and women of voting age, members of all political parties and unaffiliated voters. The League does not support or oppose candidates or political parties.


Access to Healthcare Survey


Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy life to help us understand the healthcare needs, opportunities, and strengths in Chaffee County. We hope that the data we gather from this survey will help guide local organizations as they choose where to concentrate their efforts to make Chaffee County a great place to live in health and wellness.

This survey will take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes to complete. If you have the time, we'd love for you to answer all questions thoroughly. If you do not have the time, that is ok. Please answer what you can. This survey is anonymous, meaning that we won't collect any personal identifying information.

Participants must be age 18+ to participate and we ask that one individual per household takes this survey. You are answering these questions on behalf of your household.

At the end of the survey, you will have an opportunity to enter drawings for $50 gift cards to your grocery store of choice. This information will be collected via a different link, therefore keeping all answers to this survey anonymous.

This survey is co-hosted by Chaffee County Public Health and the League of Women Voters of Chaffee County.


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Membership in the League of Women Voters of Chaffee County includes membership at the state and national level organizations. Click here to learn more about League issues and activities in Colorado and across the nation.


Register to vote, check your registration status or find out what’s on your ballot for the next election.
Read MoreVOTE411.
Ballot Trax. Complete mail ballot tracking and alert system.


From monthly meetings to candidate forums to Drinks & Dialogue events – learn about the types of programs offered by your local League.


The national League of Women Voters works on issues that matter to American voters, including health care, immigration and the environment. Learn about the League’s policy priorities here.
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