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Diana Higuera is the Executive Director and Founder of the Rocky Mountain Welcome Center, an immigrant assistance nonprofit organization. Diana will speak from her perspectives as both an immigrant and a service provider on the challenges our new neighbors face integrating into our diverse community.
LWV Chaffee County will host a social followed by a monthly meeting beginning at 11:15. At 12 noon the program begins with a Panel and Discussion with John Armstrong, B1 Energy, Julie Mach, Elements Mountain Compost, Grant Hamel, VeroTouch, and Beth Helmke, Deputy County Administrator. The program will explore the initiatives for Recycling, Renewing, and Repurposing in Chaffee County. Susanna Spaulding has assembled this panel of four local experts who will share ways we can create a more sustainable future for our community through innovative methods of creating a new life for waste materials. The session begins at 11:15 with a brief social and business meeting followed at 11:30 with Carol Merovka: Access to Healthcare Survey, LWVCC & CCPH. Noon-1:00: The program will explore the initiatives for Recycling, Renewing, and Repurposing in Chaffee County. The public is invited to join us.
The LWV Chaffee County will host a Drinks and Dialogue session with the Salida School District Leadership, Superintendent David Blackburn and the School Board. All are invited to join us for mocktails, snacks, and the opportunity to hear from and direct questions to the superintendent and school board on issues of importance to the district and community. Should cell phones be permitted in the schools? How does social media impact students and learning? The public is invited to discuss these and other timely issues facing our schools. This listening session is an opportunity for community members to learn more about what’s happening in the Salida schools and to offer input through an informal discussion with school leadership. Bring your questions and thoughts for an enjoyable and relaxed evening of discussion. The public is invited to join us.
Catharine McCord, Colorado Asian Pacific United, and Harry Budisidharta, J.D., In-House Leal Counsel for Aurora Mental Health and Recovery, will discuss the historic racism against Asian immigrants and their descendants that resulted in the destruction of Denver‘s Chinatown in the 1880‘s - and that continues today.
LWV members are welcome to observe LAC meetings to stay up to date on LWVCO‘s advocacy efforts.
Margie Thompson, Professor Emerita, Multicultural & Global Communication& Media, University of Denver, and Dave Perry, Publisher/Editor of the Aurora Sentinel, will address the consequences of mis/disinformation about immigration – both for immigrants and on public policy – and how to combat it.
Our speaker will be Luis Torres, Ph.D., Retired Deputy Provost for Academic and Student Affairs at Metropolitan State University and member of El Semanario Editorial and Advisory Board. Dr. Torres will speak about the opportunities and challenges for Dreamers under the DACA program.